Friday 10 August 2012

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

I keep lingering over the gaudiest and most controversial sayings, in a strange way rooting for them, because I steadily proved to be a lab rat for the cliché sayings, that are searching to be impersonated, so I believe them to be true. It's usually the worst thing, when your experiences seem to perfectly fit the cheesiest phrases. But once in a while, the string of misfortunate apothegms plants a happy one. Fortunately now, after this string of smaller or bigger misfortunes, a happy cliché phrase is what's happening to me.

I had a bad year. I used to think it's just bad days, that it is not so awful after all, but now that all's about to change I realize I had a bad year. A little more than a year ago, I was telling a story about my experience in Oslo, I was resigned at the thought of returning home, but I kept telling myself that everything happens for a reason (booyah, another cliché phrase that pops my way).  I lived these 15 months with a constant feeling of frustration, not fully realizing that this was just a bad year and not actually knowing what I wanted to do about my unhappiness. As always, when people who give the slightest damn see you losing it, they try their best to drag you out of your misery. And guess what my dearests did, besides from the encouraging hugs and sweets and guilty glasses of wine (each with their own method and resources). They slowly bombed me with stereotype advice. Among which there was, 'don't worry, hun, good things come to those who wait'.

I found that preposterous, I laughed to myself and to their face, reckoning that obviously that was so stupid. Only now, after having beaten up the bad year, do I realize that if drifting away from the strict sense of this saying, it does gain some sense after all. I kept thinking that waiting refers to merely laying around, waiting for God or whoever to throw some magnificent happenings your way. My mind could only grasp the passive alternative of waiting, and I could not imagine how in any universe anyone with a trace of brain would think that is a solution. But then, or better said recently, I learned that there's also an active side to waiting, commonly known as patience. Thus I realized that good things do happen to those who wait, but not in vain and not for a miracle, but have the equanimity to rip the benefits of their own actions at the right time.

This being said, self-confidence boosted through the roof,  in less than a month I'm departing to Paris, to practice my French, to eat macaroons, to see the Eiffel Tower, to wear red lipstick in a French fashion, to test all the clichés, to live my dream and to try my limits. This time in a good way, doing what I like, learning a lot, hopefully for half of a good year. 

One can never be too happy though, full happiness is only for the weak. While on one side I'm joyfully learning that good things come to those who wait, on the other I'm learning the hard way that if you wait too long, it might be too late.

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