Tuesday 21 August 2012

Tons of Luggage with Baggage

It seems like it's a recurring theme these days, people are leaving a lot. Doesn't matter if they run from something really bad or towards something good indeed, there's some sort of escaping mood floating in the surrounding air, my surrounding air at least. I've started of course my own string of goodbyes, which despite my best of effort is turning out to be a hot mess. These days I'm doing the part I need to do at home, as in my hometown. Take one only, it needed to be fulfilled since it happens (as previously observed) that my departure somehow interstects some other farewells.One one side, bummer, it means that I do not get all the attention. On the other side though, this is far from the point of tonight's words of wisdom.

So today I hugged goodbye one of my most favorite kids in the world, who's leaving across the ocean tomorrow. While her motivation for leaving is still unclear to me and rather dubious, what else to do than keeping fingers crossed. Still far away from the point, but worth mentioning. Right to the point, in a couple hours I'll be sharing a tougher farewell, this time with my most favorite kid in the world, who's incidentally going in a two week's trip, to return only after my departure.

Since I'm known to have an affinity for packing and I'm rather talented to organizing many things in a limited luggage, I helped her pack. We do have in the end a perfectly put together trolley, despite of my rattled nerves. I could not help thinking though that I'll be preparing my own luggage in two weeks, and while I know exactly how that will work out, and I have it almost sorted out in my mind what stuff I'm gonna bring, and I'm prepared for the imminent frustrations, I still have no idea what I'm gonna do about my stupid hearty baggage. My tons of luggage with baggage.

I'm positive everyone has it, their kryptonite, their skeletons in the closet, those thoughts they cannot share with their closest, the fears or loathings. But this is just me with my own, which in such circumstances of extreme change cannot be ignored. Which I'm going to have to decide if I'm leaving behind pending and unsolved or carry with me around, in a courageous attempt to loosen the bulk. These tons of bitterness I cannot spit out, that keep me from moving forward despite the apparent progress. The strings attached that impair me from fullheartedly reaching out for something better. What about that? Will it fit in the stuffed 20 kilos carry-on I'm allowed to take, or in the entire plane, or my flat in Paris, or the entire world?

Some lack of coherence? That's right, goodbyes make me crazy.  


  1. What exactly seems unclear and dubious to you? She left for a better education and a better life altogether (with better opportunities). That's pretty clear to me. I'm sure if you'd have the opportunity, you'd do the same. Actually, come to think of it, you did attend school yourself in another country.
    If her motivation still remains unclear to you, then perhaps it is best to think of the situation this way: sometimes people do certain things to better themselves as individuals; it is human nature to create and try to reach higher goals in life.

  2. Now Dan, why the vehemency? I'll admit, I am totally for leaving this s*itty country, which is why I left before and I'm soon leaving again and strongly encourage anyone to do it. What I cannot really grasp is leaving an unfinished thing in one place (since we've put education on the table)to go for another. There's time for everything, hence my unclarity regarding the intrinsic nature of the decision.

    Whatever though, I'm just a bitter ol' lady, aren't I? Good luck to you guys and despite my confusion, thumbs up! Oh and thanks for reading, was not yet sure if anyone does:)

  3. Well Crina, that's precisely the point. Finishing education in another place, in this case, is better. Here's why: it opens doors to many more opportunities than if education were to be finished in the initial place that was mentioned. I understand the mentality that once something is started, that endeavour should be carried out fully. However, that is not the case here. As aforementioned, finishing what was started in another place will yield better future opportunities and is a stepping stone to future education/careers.
    Lastly, please excuse my tone. I did not intend to come off as harsh, but I must admit that your statement did frustrate me a bit at first. It's all understandable in the end, as you probably were not aware of reasons behind the decision in question. I hope I've cleared things up now and that there is no more confusion.
    P.S. - There are probably more readers than you'd think :)
